
April 02, 2007

Testing, testing...1, 2, this thing on?

20070402_netkey This will be one of the dullest, but most significant, posts published on 'A lemon tree of our own', because, for the first time since we moved in nearly a year ago, I'm actually posting directly from our home in Chania.

You might recall that just before Claire left for Salzburg, after a long struggle, OTE unexpectedly pitched up and finally put a phone line in the house. We'd been given to understand, though, that it would be a line that wouldn't support internet usage.

And we are not exactly on wireless broadband yet - this is dial-up with speeds pushing all of 31Kbps, and I can't move the laptop more than 2 feet away from the phone socket.

Still, thanks to a pre-paid internet access card from FORTHnet which I bought last year in preparation for the first day we were due to have a telephone installed, we are no longer in splendid isolation.

March 25, 2007

My Rockhouse photo on EuroCheapo Blog

20070319_rockhaus It looks like Miranda on EuroChepo Blog has also had a similar hard time to us in Salzburg finding the 'cool' music scene - Salzburg: Rock aus!

Our ongoing quest for a “scene” in touristy Salzburg brought us to a music venue in residential Schallmoos, just north of Kapuzinerberg: Rockhouse.

At first we were dorked out by the name: Rockhouse? Is Salzburg ironic enough for a name like this to work? Surely the name was meant literally. Was this going to be charming or embarrassing?

She used one of my Flicker photos from when we went there to see Roia back in October - cool!

March 14, 2007

It is a small (internet enabled) world

The other day I had to go to the desk of one of the technical architects at work to discuss some flow changes caused by some DRM restrictions to the user. Or something like that anyway.

Which would have been quite a normal kind of thing for me to do in my current job, except for the fact that as I sat down in his Dilbert style cubicle, I spotted something printed out onto a sheet of A4 and pinned to the wall of his office space.


"Oh", I suddenly blurted out in the middle of a complex OMAv1 discussion, "2lmc did that....I know those guys"

It is a small, small, small, internet-enabled, world.

January 25, 2007

5 things...

Cbet2006_feed I don't normally cross-post directly between here and the currybetdotnet site, but this week, in the midst of griping about buying travel over the internet and things like that, I've succumbed to a "Post 5 things about yourself that your readers probably don't know" chain letter that has been doing the rounds in the world of blogs. So pop on over to find out "5 things you probably don't know about me...", like the time I was on TV, and the time I nearly got kidnapped.

A lemon tree of our own

  • The journal of a British couple who left the UK to set up home in Hania, Crete.
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