...And dream of sheep
After our last trip to London we decided to delay our return to Crete by lingering for a while in Athens. Although I visited the city during the late 80s, since we moved to Greece the most we have seen of the mainland is the train ride from Patra to Piraeus, and the approach to Athens airport.
Looking for a hotel proved to be a bit taxing, as a lot of the places we found at a price we could afford had some pretty bad reviews online. In the end we decided to pay a bit extra, and opted to stopover in the Classical Baby Grand. This is near Omonia Station and so is handily placed to explore the old city. Their unique claim to fame in Athens is that lots of the rooms have unique graffiti interiors. We ended up in the 'Sleep' room.

One side of the room depicted a farmyard, with numbered sheep floating off into the ether.

Behind the bed a giant octopus was there to watch over us in our sleep.

Each room was equipped with a mini-bar, and a picnic hamper full of stuff - it was all a bit pricey for us to dip into, but they'd thought of everything. As well as cashew nuts, the hamper included an 'intimacy pack' of contraceptives in case you got unexpectedly lucky. And it had a 'Bananagram'. At first we thought that this was for a different kind of intimacy, but it turned out just to be a word puzzle game.

The whole hotel was really cool. The reception desks were formed from two mini cars, with the boot used as stationary storage, and the roof cut-away so that it provided a desk-top. The bar was really beautifully set out as well, with paper tiger lanterns for light-fittings.
