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March 22, 2008

16th century Tower Bridge in the Museum of Macau

We went to the Museum of Macau, and there was a whole wall dedicated to an interactive display illustrating the extent of international trade in Macau's history. Although, being British, I tend to have a Western European-centric view of geography, Macau was far better placed than many European ports to reach India, Africa, China, Japan, Australia and beyond.

The map showed many traditional views of the 16th and 17th century shipping trade. It was all images of wooden boats, sails unfurled, sailing into wooden harbours.

Except for London, which was shown to feature that well known 16th century construction, Tower Bridge.


When they put that stone cladding on the iron frame to help the new bridge 'blend in' with the Tower of London during the late 1800s, they sure did a good job...

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