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February 15, 2008

The end of the road for our lemon tree?

The weather has been appalling here over the last couple of weeks, and we had some really bad storms at the weekend, which left us virtually house bound. We did take a stroll down to the beach, to find the normally placid spot looking like it had Atlantic rollers on it, and there were actually people surfing. In this video clip you can just make out the waves crashing over the top of Lazaretta - it must have been terrible to have been forced to live on that tiny island at this time of year. Odd to think that in just a couple of months people will be stretched out on that beach enjoying the sun.

It looks like the storm has taken a casualty in the shape of the lemon tree that gives the name to this blog. On the first night the wind got really bad it was suddenly denuded of all but 19 of its leaves. I don't reckon it has much chance...

Poorly lemon tree

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Lemon tree is a deciduous tree so don't worry. It will be verdant again in a few months!

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A lemon tree of our own

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