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January 21, 2008

Dirty dog, smelly boys, and revolting locals

We went to Kalyves on Friday for a little trip out, or to Kaleeveeees as I somehow managed to pronounce it when buying the tickets. There was the obligatory drop into the butcher there to pick up some British bacon and pork sausages, and then we had a stroll through town.

We stopped for a coffee and to read the papers, before having a walk along the sea front, where we spotted one of the funniest, dirtiest looking dogs we've yet seen in Crete. He was quite a scruffy looking thing anyway, but it looked like someone had dipped him into a vat of mud. Only, though, up to a certain point. Above the tide mark he was still white, but from where his legs joined his body downwards he looked as if he'd been enjoying the mud-bath of his life!

Our original plan was to hang around until the 4:45 bus, but to be honest, it was a bit nippy, and we were both feeling a bit sleepy, so we decided to get a quick snack to eat and get the previous one - at 1:50pm. Quite a gap in the timetable there...

We ended up getting a very un-Greek bite from "Simon's Fast Food", as we hadn't left ourselves time for the full Cretan dining experience. It was nice enough, and cheap anyway, and we got finished just in time to catch the bus.

It turns out that the 1:50pm isn't the best time to catch the bus back to Chania. It was packed with school-kids, and had that peculiarly unpleasant smell that seems to congregate around large groups of adolescent boys who haven't quite got the hang of personal hygiene yet.

If we'd left it a bit later, we might have had trouble on the roads. We saw a few police around on the way there, and they were closing off one of the slip-roads on the New National Road. It seems that the residents of Akrotiri and Souda are staging some demonstrations this weekend to blockade the airport and the port, in protest at some local town planning issues. Of course, without 'Crete News & Life', it is all a mystery to us!

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