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April 24, 2007

Our silent Salzburg pony ride

20070422_ponyreflection Talking of ponies, as I was yesterday, before we left Salzburg it would have been churlish not to have a tourist-trap pony ride around town. So, on the last Saturday Claire was there, we went for a champagne breakfast at the rooftop Steinterrasse restaurant, and then a pony ride.

The ponies all gather near Mozart square, so we went there, inspected the troops, and picked out a couple of lovely friendly looking ponies to haul us around town.

However, the pony drivers had other ideas, and actually you just had to get on the next one in the queue rather like a taxi rank, and not pick the horses you most liked the look of.

And so, we set off.

Which is when we found out that we should have been paying a bit more attention to which driver we got, rather than which horses or the design of the carriage.

20070422_salzburgpony1 He started off the commentary in German, then turned to look at us and said "English?".

We nodded.

"No English" he said.

And that was that.

Whilst everybody else for their 40€ or so got a history of Salzburg and a commentary on the town, we didn't even get a German version that we might be able to grasp some of. Our man seemed delighted to get twenty minutes off from speaking, and so we paraded around Salzburg in silence.

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