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March 22, 2007

Don Quixote exhibition at Galerie Welz

When we were doing our touristy pony ride around Salzburg a couple of weeks back before Claire left, I spied in a back street a small art gallery that we hadn't seen before - Galerie Welz.


So, after we had been dropped off back in Mozart central, we made our way there to have a look. The main exhibition was by Markus Vallazza, and was based on illustrations of Don Quixote. This included things like the scene where Don Quixote watches on as a nuclear bomb explodes, or the bit where Godzilla takes on Jason.


I'm not entirely sure, never having read the book, whether these bits were technically in the original, but I quite enjoyed the illustrations anyway.

Upstairs the gallery had a random collection of stuff for sale, much of which consisted of views of places that we visited last year like Venice and Berlin. However, with 4 figure prices we didn't pick up any souvineers.


The one weird after-effect was that I suddenly got a hankering to listen to "Don Quixote" by Nik Kershaw, which, being a complete 80s nerd, was actually already on my iPod...

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