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September 20, 2006

Exhibition of Che Guevara's photography in Iraklio

Iraklioguevaraexpo Whilst we were in Iraklio they had on an exhibtion of the photography of legendary revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, which we popped inside to have a look at.

I can't say I was particularly impressed with the photography. The quality of some of the prints left a lot to be desired, and there were a lot of rather bland ethnographical and architectural shots. I think a lot of the meaning came from the context of the shots, and without a great knowledge of the man myself, or an understanding of the Greek literature that accompanied the exhibits, we struggled to be enlightened. I think if I came away with one impression, it was surprise at how well travelled he had been, when as an iconic figure he is so tied in the public mind to one time-and-space, and pretty much to one photograph.

And I guess Che Guevara would equally be entitled to look at my Flickr account, and then express the belief that I wasn't much of a revolutionary socialist leader.

Iraklioguevaraexhibition In fact, I have to confess I was slightly more excited about the venue for the exhibition. The municipal gallery is situated in the former Venetian Basilica of St. Mark. It is an impressive building, and at the far end of the hall there is a raised stage, and set into the stage are glass peep-holes down to floor level, where there are the remains of two graves of 13th century Venetian dukes of Crete.

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