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August 19, 2006

Kostaros Voloudakis statue in Plateia 1866

04statuevoloudakis Kostaros Voloudakis (Κωσταρος Κ. Βολουδακης) was one of the leaders in the Cretan uprising of 1866. Like Kapetan Mavios Milonoyiannis he was based in Apokoronas. The statue of him in Plateia 1866 doesn't carry much other information, but I know that he must have survived the rebellion as he was later one of the people nominated by the Cretans to represent them at diplomatic conference in Berlin. It isn't clear whether he actually went though, as the Greek government objected to Crete having representatives, for fear that they would upset the delicate diplomatic balance of Europe at the time with their demand for Cretan autonomy if they could not achieve union with Greece.

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Kostaros -> Georgios -> Kostantinos -> Georgios (Me)

I am a descendant of Kostaros, and I am really astonished that you found so much information about the life of my ancestor.

If you find more can you please let me know. I have only heard some stories from my grandfather and from an encyclopedia...

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