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August 25, 2006

A right welcome home from my laptop

Those of you with computers regularly plugged into the e-web have got no idea what it is like for us with machines that only occasionally get a quick burst of internet action.

My laptop hasn't been online since I left for the UK at the end of July, and so the first time I hooked it up to the internet again on Wednesday via the wifi in Notos, it was like a greedy smoker gasping for a first fag after a really long no smoking flight.

Windows wanted to get busy straight away with nine updates.


Meanwhile Photoshop has somehow decided I've never run it before, and is now issuing me with all kinds of 'helpful hints' and start-up splash screens and measuring things in cm, all of which I've no need of.

But the most depressing moment had to be when I first started up my email software, Thunderbird, and got the message:

Downloading message 1 of 1521


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