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July 23, 2006

"The World of Colours" - Ukrainian Art exhibition at KAM

Ukrainian1 On Saturday, Claire and I visited KAM, where we took in the comic exhibition - me for the second time - and then had a look at a new exhibition of Ukrainian art, which was in the main building. Called "The World of Colours", it has been organised by the Ukrainian embassy in Greece, and will also be visiting Rethymno later in the summer. It features twenty artists, and according to the blurb, they have been influenced by the Russian School of Impressionism.

I have to say we weren't enthralled. A lot of the works were rather ordinary still life compositions of flowers, and flowers hanging on a wall, and flowers hanging around a doorway. A lot of artists had also seemed to have painted typical Greek scenes of harbours in Aegean whites and blues, so, despite the claims of the organisers, I didn't get a real feel of the Ukrainian character about the exhibition.

Only one work really stood out for us, which was a painting of some kind of silver birch coloured trees in a snowy forest landscape. It was by an artist called Varlamov, and entitled «Χειμώνα στη Ρωσία». It passed my test of "Would I like that hanging on the wall in my house", but at €1,300 it didn't pass my price test.

I popped back to the exhibition on Tuesday to take photos, but found that they were in the middle of re-hanging it in the ground floor exhibition space. I wondered if it might benefit from being in a room where you could get more distance from the paintings themselves when viewing them.

So, I went back again on Thursday, but still wasn't impressed. I was even less impressed to find that the only painting I liked had been tucked away behind the door!



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