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July 03, 2006

At times like this I wish I had a cat to kick

Not the best of weekends.

I mean, obviously there was the whole England penalty shoot-out thing.

Thelastphoto And then from out of left-field came our camera breaking. This picture of what looks like a replica ancient Greek or Viking or Minoan or Egyptian or Roman or Turkish sailing vessel (not so hot on my naval construction history you see) may turn out to be the last picture taken with our trusty Casio Exilim EX-P600. We were happily sitting in a bar called "Bamboo" in Kalamaki on Saturday when suddenly the camera just didn't want to play anymore. It seems to be a mechanical fault with opening and extending the zoom and lens.

If we can't get the camera repaired, at least it did us sterling service - in the space of 18 months it has been to over 15 countries with us and taken 12,097 photographs and short videos.

Still, lucky I didn't want any pictures of my parents visiting this week, eh?

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