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June 09, 2006

Wet stuff

I must have gone native.

This morning I was out in our courtyard hanging out the washing. I'd been doing it for a minute or two before I realised that the socks I was wearing felt damp. I looked down and the courtyard floor was wet.

I couldn't for the life of me work out where this water was from. I looked to see if any of the pipes were leaking. I checked to see where the drainage run-offs from the balcony above us were situated to see if it could be coming from there. I just couldn't work it out.

In the end I thought maybe our landlord/lady who live above us had been a bit careless with the hose when washing down their balcony, and had just sprayed some over the wall.

Then about five minutes later it suddenly struck me where the water had come from....the sky!!!

It had been the "Magic Sky Water" that had fallen down for ten minutes earlier in the day.

Or rain, as I believe it is a lot more commonly known in the UK.

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