Our Daily Express and Diana debate
Surely someone somewhere out there on the internet must have made a site detailing the obsession the Daily Express has with Diana by now. You see, if they have, it would settle an argument between Claire and myself. I claim that the Daily Express features a story about Diana on the front page at least once a week. Claire claims it is much less frequently than this. However, the evidence so far is stacking up in my favour - Monday's "Queen's Grief Over Diana" was the fourth front-page splash about her since we reached Hania. At four front pages in three weeks they are averaging above one a week. But somebody must be counting more thoroughly than my anecdotal saw-it-in-a-Greek-newsagent kind of way, mustn't they?
"Surely someone somewhere out there on the internet must have made a site detailing the obsession the Daily Express has with Diana by now."
The nearest I can come up with is Mail Watch (which monitors both the Mail and the Express).
Posted by: Dave | 19 Apr 2006 19:14:27
Gah. I was sure that had a URL in it when I posted it.
Posted by: Dave | 20 Apr 2006 13:57:25
I think any HTML gets stripped from the comments, but anything starting http://... gets auto-linked.
I should probably make that explicit in the form shouldn't I?
Posted by: Martin | 20 Apr 2006 14:47:06
The Express are quite brazen about it.
They have the data that says it increase sales on a monday or the beginning of a week.
here's all of em
Posted by: Jem | 21 Apr 2006 12:49:33
The good old beeb?
Or, for conculusive proof, you could pay the indy for their article mentioned therein.
Posted by: ian | 21 Apr 2006 21:48:11
has a list of all the headlines going back to December.
Posted by: jem stone | 9 May 2006 14:25:45
For the record The Guardian counted 29 front page Diana appearances so far this year - which is definitely more than once a week - so I've won my bet ;-)
Posted by: Martin Belam | 10 May 2006 15:06:02