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April 26, 2006

Handy hairwax

Now that we have started living in the flat, as it is a new structure, a lot of settling down has happened. One thing that has been driving us mad is the bathroom door. After a few days it began squeaking, which gradually developed into a roaring groan every time it was opened and shut, which became so loud it was actually waking the other one up if one of us used the bathroom in the night.

On Monday, Claire was trying to establish exactly which bit of the door was making the noise - and came to the conclusion it was just because the door must have swelled with the moisture. I went over to it, and ran my hand over the top of the door to see whether there were any rough edges or bumps that might be scraping along the frame. I couldn't find anything. I pulled it closed slowly to see if I could spot exactly where the noise started.


I opened it again.


I turned round to an incredulous Claire and just started laughing - "I must have magic wood fingers" I said.

Actually, the answer was much simpler than that - I hadn't long got out of the bath, and after that I had done my hair. There must have been enough residue of the hair wax on my fingers to act as a lubricant on the wood.

Cue a more liberal application of hairwax to the top of the door and the frame, and peaceful night.

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