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April 27, 2006

Athens News classifieds

We spotted Claire's new job when it was advertised in the Athens News classified section, and we always read through it. Most of the stuff is centred around Athens itself of course, but there are always things in there to keep us amused, even if they aren't useful for us. Take this advert for example:

Sales people wanted by an International Art Gallery for expansion in Santorini. April-October. No experience required. Also, man required for warehouse assistant.

Man required?


When did you last see that in a job advert?

My favourite in this week's edition though is the following:

Well-known advertising agency is looking for children, age 1-12 years old, to participate in TV commercials and fashion shootings.

I just can't escape the mental image of a gang of under-12s running around Athens making targeted assassinations on people committing crimes against fashion.

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